Forecast Pipeline to Close Ratio
Feb 12, 2021
Sales Managers are on the frontlines with driving revenue for the company by having their Sales personal qualify and influence the right prospects into purchasing. Sales personnel get the glory when business is excellent, and often get laid off when business is down. It doesn't have to be that way.
Marketing can scale demand generation through digital marketing tactics such as Paid Search, Paid Social, and Display campaigns.
By keeping a close eye on the Forecast Pipeline to Close Ratio, the Sales & Marketing team can work closely together to fulfill gaps in Revenue for future quarters.
What is the Pipeline to Close ratio two quarters from now?
Is the Pipeline to Close ratio healthy?
What is the gap in Pipeline to we need to solicit Marketing's assistance to hit the Revenue goal for Q3?
Speed up Sales Cycle:
Marketing can launch personalized campaigns to those Opportunities that haven't been touched by Marketing to improve the sales cycle for Opportunities that were generated from Sales.
Justify Marketing Budget:
If the business leaders know that there is a possibility of not hitting future sales revenue goals, it becomes easier to justify an increase in the marketing budget to create demand generation.
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