Map the Opportunity Contact Role Values

Watch the video and follow the steps below:
  1. In App Setup, click on the Field Value Mapping - Opp Contact Role screen.

  2. Map the Opportunity Contact Role values to a Category and click "Save and Proceed."

Opportunity Contact Role Mapping

To better qualify Opportunities for Marketing and Sales prioritization, we need to build a holistic view of the buying group. A well-established buying group includes having Contact(s) tied to an Opportunity, a Primary Contact, and Decision Maker(s) designated to the Opportunity Contact Role.


Sponsor Category

The person who is going to write you the check. The sponsor trusts the Decision Maker to make the best decision for the entire business.


Decision Maker Category

The person who makes the final decision to purchase. The Decision Maker is the most important person in the sales process to have on your side.


Influencer Category

The person who tries to convince others they need the product. The Influencer is typically an end-user in a company.

Build a holistic view of contacts

Typically many people are involved in the buying process, but your CRM doesn't reflect that. By connecting contacts with an opportunity, you improve personalizing the buying experience for your prospects.

Grow relationships with the Decision Makers

Know the Decision Makers in every Opportunity.

Create a Deeper Relationship

Having a Primary Contact will help you manage your timeline with more predictability.

Map the Opportunity Type Values